True Value of Education: Part 2

It is evident that Canadian businesses are not sufficiently competitive and the Canadian government does not invest enough in innovation and creativity. How can this problem be solved?

There are many possible solutions to this dilemma and one possibility will be to make creativity and innovation a part of Canadian culture.

An approach that will ensure a lifelong record of success will be to instill competition, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurialism in young children. Young children should be encouraged to solve common problems or, provide innovative alternative solutions to common problems.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe best environment to nurtures these values would be schools, especially elementary school. This will produce children who are equipped with crucial skills such as money management, critical thinking and problem solving. These children will learn what risks are worth taking and by taking the appropriate risks, these young entrepreneurs will thrive. Most of them will become business owners in the future who will create the high quality permanent jobs lacking in Canada.

Furthermore, this strategy will ensure that students will graduate with practical skills, which allow them to either find the right job or create hundreds of jobs as they themselves prosper. The underemployment problem will be solved, Canada’s economy will grow and Canada will have competitive businesses.  Since creativity and innovation will be a part of Canadian culture, each new generation will continue the tradition.

2 responses to “True Value of Education: Part 2

  1. Pingback: True Value of Education: Part 2 | Young Canadian Voice – Hopeful?·

  2. For most of my life, I have found my education to be useless. What I learned was not applicable to real life directly. History, advanced calculus, English, etc. were completely out of touch with practical skills, even in university.

    There are only two instances during my schooling when I felt my education was valuable for the right reasons. The first occasion was when I was working on a class project where real stakeholders were involved and the product of our project was used by our client. The second instance was when I approached a professor to ask for supervision in an independent research project. In each of these events, I felt that my time, effort and skills were being used in a meaningful manner. I was learning. I was learning real life skills.

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